Monday, March 19, 2012

Leaving the Stone Age

Our search for caveslenderman in the past of the Stone Ages has led to a battle being with the Raakke were fighting him Survivor Beta blasted him with a lazer rifle but he was unstructable to it it couldnt hurt him then caveslenderman came and fought with the Rake letting us to escape away from them both. But Uggu the caveproxie stopped us in our escape to the time machine by attacking us and hitting us with his club there were other caveproxies with him too but we had lazer guns and we blasted away great many lots of the caveproxies but Uggu was not getting hurt by it he hit me with his club but Survivor Epsilon shot a lazer bomb that hurt him but it didnt kill him it blinded him so we could get to the time machine for saftey we are going to the Evolution Times now too see when slenderman was there before we were all being monkeys

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